Moodboard Manifesto

A video-poem from 2025.

My concern was to find the constellation of awakening (the process of de-demonizing the body of inherited impressions formed by fear), because the seed of enlightenment lies within karma.

Mind never thinks without an image; all our secrets are formed from an image; one frees oneself from the image through the image. An image drawn from astral mythology can be imprinted inwardly on the mind with such force that when a person with this imprint comes out into the world of external appearances, these become unified. This modest craft, this minor detail of nothingness, is in reality the Great Arcane, the very core of orthodoxy, the crown of sacred and primitive tradition.

To carry out this project, not otherwise than if I had been collecting fragments along the vast shores of a huge shipwreck, I collected the remnants of the pagan gods strewn everywhere in a nearly infinite number of videos, and once found and collected, even though they were ravaged and half eaten by time and nearly worn to nothing, I reduced them into a single corpus of genealogy, arranged to the best of my ability, to satisfy your wish. The procedure consisted of pouring the pulp solution onto a lathed screen and shaking the frame. This caused the fibers to align, intertwine, and grow heavier. When the right thickness was reached, the water was quickly drained, bringing the process to an end.

I became content at heart, while also remaining discontent and disobedient; indeed I became contented and agreeable only in the presence of that other image of nature—the image reflected in the perilous mirror of the fantasy. Situated at the vertex of my individual soul, at the limit between individual and universal, corporeal and incorporeal, it appeared as the sole exhausted spot of ash that the combustion of my individual existence left on the impassable and invulnerable threshold of the separate and the eternal.